N.D. Wilson Complete Authored Works
N.D. Wilson lives and writes in the top of a tall, skinny house only one block from where he was born. But his best-selling novels have traveled far and wide, disguising themselves in many strange languages in dozens of distant and mysterious lands. He is the author of nine novels, including the Ashtown Burials series and the 100 Cupboards trilogy. He and his wife have five young storytellers of their own, along with an unreasonable number of pets.
From the book jacket of Outlaws of Time: The Legend of Sam Miracle
In the Author's Own Words
I write violent stories. I write dark stories. I write them for my own children, and I write them for yours. And when the topic comes up with a radio host or a mom or a teacher in a hallway, the explanation is simple. Every kid in every classroom, every kid in a bunk bed frantically reading by flashlight, every latchkey kid and every helicoptered kid, every single mortal child is growing into a life story in a world full of dangers and beauties. Every one will have struggles and ultimately, every one will face death and loss... The stories on which their imaginations feed should empower a courage and bravery stronger than whatever they are facing. And if what they are facing is truly and horribly awful (as is the case for too many kids), then fearless sacrificial friends walking their own fantastical (or realistic) dark roads to victory can be a very real inspiration and help.
Why I Write Scary Stories for Children, The Atlantic
To learn more visit https://ndwilson.com
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