Helena Sorensen
Complete Authored Works
Helena Sorensen (Aman) believes in the transformative power of words and stories, and in the power of the voices that speak them. Before she became a mom, she studied music, taught English, and dabbled in poetry and songwriting. These days, when she's not playing "royal ball" or "royal feast" with her daughter or doing science experiments with her son, she's hiking with friends at Radnor Lake or talking books with her husband. Of course, she might be at her kitchen table writing fantasy novels.
You can read more about Helena Sorensen on her website, helenasorensen.com.
In the Author's Own Words
If I had to choose a most difficult aspect, though, I might choose the part of the process where we allow readers into our private world. That feels risky. Sometimes they see no value in what we’ve created. Sometimes they don’t understand it. But art is communication, and if someone, somewhere, enters our world and finds a place there, if they meet us in this place and their heart resonates with our words, that is a glorious thing. I know of nothing else like it.
Hard Work and Delicious Fun {an interview with Helena Sorensen} by K.C. Ireton